Understanding the Differences Between OCD and phobias

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between OCD and phobia. In a sense, with the most anxiety sufferers have an obsession – if you spend all your time worrying about panic attacks or find a spider or you meet someone on the street, you obsessed to some extent. And we can say that behavior like spiders constantly checking the room or crossing the road to avoid a meeting, there is an element of compulsion for them.

But there is an extra dimension to OCD, which is the relationship between obsessions and compulsion. A person with OCD usually have a strong feeling that there is a need to provide the force, or turn into something terrible consequences, and almost always they also feel that they are not forced, in a certain way, like a ritual.

So, if you are afraid of spiders and verify that each room for them, you have a phobia. If you feel that a spider will be left in the room is likely to bring misfortune or harm to yourself or your family, and if you check the room the same way every time you have OCD. Similarly, he worried about the safety of any home, make sure that they have closed the door, while someone with OCD can check several times, and the final release.

OCD may exist among other anxiety disorders such as social and health phobias and depression.

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [1945901million]

This is caused by exposure to danger or abuse. The classification of any anxiety disorder were events that happened in the past, not the fears that what happens in the future. Most people who experience traumatic events, such as road / rail / air accidents or incidents involving violence can expect to see associated with at least some disturbing physical and emotional reactions and shock.

Generally, these short-lived. Support from family and friends, the possible short-term technical assistance is usually enough to help them through it. Very few people will develop PTSD, which remains strong reaction for a long time, usually it feels to re-live the trauma and unable to resume a normal life.

PTSD need specialized treatment, so we do not recommend trying to self-help.

The children and young people

Where children are concerned, although you may be having problems, which show many of the same features as the adult Anxiety disorders , I do not recommend trying to adapt to a self-help approach, without advice.

Most children go through a phase when they are afraid of strange things – they are part of normal development and are usually outgrown. If the problem persists even far beyond the expected life or cause serious disturbance to the child & # 39; s daily life and forming relationships, some professional help and guidance may be needed.

It is preferable that the appropriate assessment which takes into account the child & # 39; s general health, overall development and any factors in the environment or that may contribute to the family.

keeping an anxiety diary

It & # 39; s time to get out a notebook and start a diary. Anxiety is a simple log record for the anxious feelings every day. It & # 39; It s important to describe the anxiety scores at least twice a day, but there is no need to try to explain every minute of the day. But do not leave until the end of the week, and try to remember everything because you can not quite remember exactly.

I do every day you will find that they tend to pick the wrong time, and ignore the relatively good weather. The important thing is to learn to evaluate ordained by anxiety. Be honest, but you will ever see in the log.

Source by Michelle Spencer

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