Acupuncture Treatment of Phobias – Does it make sense?

Many people find it very hard to believe that some of acupuncture consider that to be able to help treat phobias. This article examines whether there is a sense of acupuncture phobias. First, let & # 39; and compare the difference between a phobia and fear.

phobia Definition
Transfer from the Greek word Ph oacute; bos, which means a fall or fear or morbid fear, phobia and other anxiety disorders within the competence of fear. A phobia is irrational fear, is defined as:

"manifestation of the intense fear of specific objects and situations, which produces the reality of minimal or no threat."

Fear Definition
Fear on the other hand is built into the natural survival response, and is connected to the fight or flight response. All people and animals have this instinct, and this is crucial when dealing with the potential threat. This can help to escape or fight the danger that exists in our reality.

The brain plays a major role
So the fear is based in reality, and the phobia is based on only a man & # 39; s perception. There are plenty of phobias, which are spread among many people, and there are also a variety of genres phobias. Phobias can be social or individual. Yet like other types of anxiety and fear, we know that in many parts of a person & # 39; s of the brain that plays a key role in the production of phobias, anxieties and fears.

Scientists study this starring role in order to understand how phobias and concerns created by the brain, so that they can be treated, as well as learning, while the new generation of human cells & # 39; s life. It can make it possible to encourage the growth of new neurons in people with certain conditions such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

part of

phobias and amygdala in the limbic system, the amygdala almond-shaped and deep in the brain. It is thought to process and interpret incoming signals, triggering anxiety and fear responses in the brain and other stores emotional memories. It is currently believed to play a role in this phobias, such as spiders and flying.

Hippocampus and phobias
This is the hippocampus, which is the task of encoding memories threatening events. Some studies have shown that the size of the hippocampus is smaller in those who served in combat violence and victims of child abuse.

Acupuncture and brain
Because the brain plays a big role in the creation of phobias and other anxiety disorders, if acupuncture can not treat this phobia how the brain will have any real impact?

Acupuncture can handle the brain, such as brain-related acupuncture points found in the human body. In other words, without taking any medication, acupuncture stimulate the reaction of the brain areas involved in the healing process to begin.

We believe that acupuncture has a positive effect on brain chemistry. At the start of a treatment, the needles stimulate the local blood flow, which is the effect of knocking the growth of both the nutrients and immune cells. Endorphins released during acupuncture.

Treatment will generally strengthen the nervous system and the immune system and endocrine system. It brings back the whole system more balanced and healthier state.

Experienced qualified naturopath time to assess patients in a row, it will consider other acupuncture points on the needle during the TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and diagnostic tools that period. The root cause of the phobia, as well as any other knock on effects will be handled.

Source by Jackie A De Burca

Life-threatening phobias

Most people have some fear, but there are those who fear turn into phobias. A phobia is an intense fear of something that is not life-threatening, but from the mind acts as life-threatening. Some of these fears are not very rational, but someone who has a phobia, it can be hard to think that fear and anxiety rationally. This can make some phobias potentially life-threatening.

pharmacophobia a dangerous phobia or a fear of medicine. This means that even though a person has a fatal illness or injury, and you need to take medicine to save his life; phobia prevents them from taking it. Some people develop this due to various reasons or had a negative experience in medicine in the past, like coming out of the pharmaceutical medicine, or you may be afraid of drowning, the side effects might be, or simply feel it is not more harm than good. If you are suffering from the phobia, you should talk openly and honestly with your doctor about it. Your doctor should be able to help you find a way, or how to deal with it.

Cibophobia fear foods, can become an obsession, a person who suffers from this condition. Many times it is confused with a variety of eating disorders, it is actually a psychological problem that certain foods affect the human body, but in the case of cibophobia people really are afraid of is food. In some cases, a person is not willing to eat a variety of things, which can lead to various health problems due to the change in diet. In severe cases, the person concerned may choose to go hungry than eat something in particular, and there is a very dangerous result. People who suffer from this should talk to a mental health professional who is trying a variety of methods such as hypnosis, drugs and other types of treatment in order to help alleviate this fear of the patient.

People who are afraid of needles usually suffer trypanophobia. This means that the person is deathly afraid of needles or needles for any medical procedures, such as injections, shots or vaccinations. It's like pharmacophobia, it can be very dangerous if the people need a life-saving drug or procedure that involves a needle. This may also go hand in hand iatrophobia, fear of doctors or any other phobia, which includes hospitals, doctors and dentists. There are a lot of people who suffer from this, but found a way around it or treatment. Instead of a shot, people may be able to use medicated spray or jet injections and other methods of medication. If you do and want to work on it, you can see a mental health professional to try to work through the fear.

There are a lot of different phobias that may not be life-threatening, but continues to bother people & # 39; s daily lives. Some people may be misdiagnosed when they express concerns about the phobia, as people cibophobia can think of to anorexia, but it is still very dangerous if they are not treated. If you suffer from a kind of phobia that can be a potential harm to your life, you may want to see if any life insurance cover. It should have life insurance, or at least to pass in case of term life insurance, and leave your family behind. Of course, if you suffer from necrophobia, or the fear of death, you may be thinking that the troubles of life insurance or set up their own will.

Source by June Owensboro

Rare Phobias: Feet phobia – Fear of barefoot

You are a man like that shoe nervously enters business? Can`t you nude look, or feel, the sound of you or someone else`s foot? If the answer to such a question may be a `yes` to suffer from foot phobia, also known as podophobia.

Feet one of the rarest phobia of phobias, as only 1 in 1,000 people have it. However, it can affect the way of life in many surprising ways without this phobia that is not taken into account.

just to mention a fear can prevent unusual that a swimming pool, a gym practicing, buying shoes, or wearing slippers are a few examples. Foot phobia can be quite harmless, a bit annoying and sometimes frustrating. However, this can cause life limitations. It is therefore important to assess carefully how much does it affect you or someone else & # 39; s daily life.

What exactly is a phobia feet (or podophobia)?

Feet phobia like any other phobia is irrational, inexplicable fear. People suffering from Podophobia feel very nervous, afraid, angry, or even disgusted feet in general. Podophobia The exact cause is not yet fully understood. Symptoms include overwhelming anxiety, sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, breathing difficulty and desire to run away when he saw, or thought feet. Some people experience panic attacks and feelings very uncomfortable when confronted with the foot. Of course, a person & # 39; s symptoms may vary and / or higher than the other. This fear can make some feel uncomfortable or irritated. Other people can get so intense that it interferes with normal life.

The fear may be related to a person`s own or someone else`s foot. The phobia sufferers usually do not like the look of your or someone else & # 39; s feet, or feel feet to see how his leg that gross and ugly. This person will also feel uncomfortable when other people watching or touching his feet. He will even sleep socks or shoes, and do not even consider buying or wearing open-toed shoes or sandals of any kind. He also hate the smell of feet and while thinking to imagine contracting fungal infections of the foot type or a wart, which is even worse. The discomfort can be displayed while discussing issues related to the foot or leg. A phobia sufferer to avoid watching any TV documentary foot or commercials on TV. One of my friends who are suffering from the phobia feet to prevent a rule introduced by the discomfort in his house. You have to wear shoes in the house. If very dirty shoes allow you to wear socks or a pair of his own shoes. He won`t even let his girlfriend reached a leg or her socks off to him.

When to seek help heal leg phobia?
Most of the fears and phobias, including fear and phobia legs are not serious, especially if they do not significantly interfere with normal daily life. But if the result phobia legs to avoid the regular prevents work or enjoying the life we ​​should consider, seek medical advice. Regardless of how long you have suffered, despite the limitations of unpleasant life has endured because of fear, fear, legs Overcome.

Source by Ana E Johnson